Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dancing through the shadows
Kissed and caressed by the light of a crescent moon
lost to the world
within the world
alone in the night

Silver traced lines and age worn trails
grace a body of wisdom and strength
nude to knowledge rising

Arms graced with strength and softness
wrapping around the treasures of the world
protecting, loving, uplifting, teaching
showing and growing

Spreading dream wings within the stillness
waterfalls of starlight
reflecting the beauty of her soul
midnight visions


Nana The Nana said...

Is this another one of your wonderful pieces? If it is, thanks for sharring part of your soul. If not, thanks for sharring.

Tracy DeLuca said...

Yes, another one of mine. Thanks Mom!

C. said...

This my dear, is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and your vision, I could almost feel the fairy light. :)

Jessica said...

You are an amazing writer.