I am a stay at home Mom who never planned to be. After a wicked bad move to another state and some very unfortunate financial situations, my husband and I decided that it would make more sense for me to stay at home to care for our children. In the long run, this was the best choice we could have made. My middle child and oldest son was diagnosed with autism in April of 2010. Prior to this, he was diagnosed with an expressive speech disorder.
After 3 plus years of speech therapy, he made wonderful progress. He also received ABA therapy, speech therapy (both at school and after school with a private speech pathologist) and OT. He is currently in the 2nd grade in a resource classroom but goes to the mainstream class for math.
I am also Mother to an almost 19 year old who is a sophomore in college and planning to get married in April 2013. My daughter is a writer, a goofball, a dork and a beautiful human being.
My youngest child is a 5 yo bundle of energy! He has a speech delay and has been diagnosed with ADHD. He is also all boy. He is hilarious. He is HAPPY.
My husband is a chef and a musician. He works long hours and gets bitched at a lot. Poor guy.
Me? Oh yeah.
I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother. I am an agnostic with pagan leanings who was raised Catholic. I am a self professed bitch. I try my hardest to craft and sew. I am a horrible housekeeper. I menu plan, shop frugally and try to eat healthy. I write poetry and do some free lance writing for several online sites. I love my family. And I am trying to lose weight. As well as trying to blog on a regular basis!
Anything else? Just ask. I love getting emails and comments!