Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas Catchup

So... here we are at Christmas Catchup day. I know it is Monday and I should be doing Monday's Muse but... I have not caught up to myself yet!!!! LOL

Christmas at our house this year was pretty laid back overall. No people visiting until after the day, no places to go. The kids got up around 630 am and started in on the stockings. All three loved their presents. The baby really did not have a clue what was going on but he thought it was pretty neat anyway. The Boy was beside himself. He was totally into the unwrapping this year but then wanted to spend a long time playing with each toy once he unwrapped it. Fun times were had by all.

The Girl and The Boy tore into their stockings like they were filled with gold...

The baby was just not too sure about it all. He thought he would just hang out with the boob machine for a while and watch everyone else. While wearing the cute hat that was in his stocking...

The boys eventually got down to the business of fighting over who got what toy. The Boy thought that all of the baby toys were neat and The Baby thought he should get to play with all of The Boys toys....

After the presents were all opened we had a nice, relaxed day of playing, napping and eating. Then Christmas part 2 rolled into town on the 27th in the form of my mom and MIL. And many, many presents for the rugrats.

This is our tree after the grandmas got here. The pile is almost bigger than the tree. It looks like our tree vomited presents....

Moms stayed for a week and a half and celebrated New Years with us. And that gets us just about up to date on my holiday doins'!!!

Back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow....

1 comment:

JessicaB said...

Well Merry Christmas all over again. The Girl is so grown up looking. I love the pics of the boys playing with the same toy. Lil' Bum has really showed her jealous side lately wanting to play with all the baby toys and Baby bum wants to play with all his sisters things.