Monday, July 7, 2008

After The Weekend

Long weekend of no blogging is ended. I actually meant to post sometime this weekend but got distracted... Steven was home! He was off of work for THREE DAYS! And NIGHTS! We actually got to spend some time together and also get some things accomplished around the house. We did not do anything for the fourth... just relaxed. And we had friends over for dinner on Saturday which was nice. So... boring in some ways, maybe... but nice and relaxing to us.

As far as writing goes, I have done nothing! LOL I have taken a break from everything this weekend. So, now I can start trying to use some of those words y'all left for me! We will see how it goes. Sometimes I can write on demand and others I need to just let it come. I am out of practice so it may take some time.

Jenna (The Girl) is back at my moms house and has posted some camp stories over at her blog. The rest of this month cannot go fast enough for me! I miss my girl....

The Boys have been full of the business all weekend. Wrestling, jumping off of things, running around like crazy and basically getting into trouble! Typical boys... fun but tiring! LOL

I have nothing else. I am just going to try to catch up with everyone now since I barely read any blogs at all this weekend.... I will post again soon!


Nana The Nana said...

Your girl is in the Media Center catching up on all her social contacts. What a girl you have. I sure have enjoyed having her with me this summer. We are both looking forward to Red Lobster on Friday. Gayle too. Talk to you later, how are you feeling today? Are you taking your meds?? Sorry, I can't help being th mother..

Anonymous said...

I see I am not the only one that took some time away from the blog this weekend! It's good to see you back!

C. said...

Trust me, I am WAY behind everyones blogs. I feel like a heel. * sighs * But I lurve you if that counts!

comfortandjoy said...

Hi Tracy, since we've had an orgy already I figured I should come by and say "hi." *smile*


Anonymous said...

You will have your girl back really soon.... I bet you are getting more and more excited everyday.