Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Recovery is slow but steady here at the Faerie Castle. The kids are all at 75 - 100%. I am at about 90%. My DH is, unfortunately, in the midst of the yucks. He is no longer throwing up but has been hit with the fever and aches portion of this love fest. I hope he feels better soon. And doesn't get me sick again. LOL

I am working on a post that will be a little more interesting than puke, shit and recovery..... hope to get it up soon. In the meantime, here is a pic of me with two of my bestest buds. This was taken about 4 1/2 years ago. Before the latest wave of kids hit me! I am on the right. The lady in the middle is my Alisa.... she rocks hard. Her bday is tomorrow and I misses her sooooooo much! She and her DH own several coffee shops back in my hometown in FL. And Alisa is one of the strongest, most independent and beautiful women I know. Happy early bday, darlin! On the left is my dearest friend, Michelle. She is gorgeous, smart, hilarious and a wonderful person and friend. She makes me smile just thinking about her! HER bday is coming up fast! I can't wait to go visit in June. Maybe we can all three get out for a girl's night out while I am there!!


Nana The Nana said...

Love the picture, you all look so young and so rested!

Anonymous said...

I hate that picture. I look fat!! Not that I'm not fat... it just makes me look fat! LOL That was one of our super fun girls nights!!
I miss you too honey. More than you know. I went to see Alisa yesterday for her bday. we had a good talk hung out for a bit. Thank you for thinking of me! I love you!