Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Best Post

Okay.... so I have been trying to catch up on all of the blog posts that I have missed reading over the past little bit and I ran across a post that Amalah wrote yesterday. I have gone back and read it about three times now. I have to say that I think this is one of the most well written, thought provoking and heart felt posts that I have ever read. I cried. Those of you who have followed my struggles with Braeden know the heartache I have felt and the fear and anger and just plain worry that I have dealt with. Amalah was there with me. She probably has no idea who I am, but her struggles with her son that have been so similar to my struggles with Braeden showed me that what I was feeling was okay. She carried me through some tough nights. So, reading this post really pushed my buttons. Right now I am trying to decide whether to bawl like a baby or be pissed off.....

Please. Go. Read.


Nana The Nana said...

I am on my way there to read her post. Hope I don't cry, I am at work..

Unknown said...

Wow. That was really good. She is a great writer, too.