Christmas was great but I have no pictures ready to post. I do have some tree pics though! Here is R2Tree2 -- the tree of space!

Not great pics but you get the idea! LOL The kids all had a great xmas and so did Steven and I. We got some great gifts and some wonderful family time. Very quiet and relaxed this year. But, I did miss all of my extended family. No one came to visit this year so it was a little weird.
So, in the aftermath of opening presents and playing with toys, I injured myself. Last night, I tripped on a box and slammed my foot into a wooden chair leg. The result? A broken baby toe. Very swollen and bruised but not too bad looking. But it sure does hurt!
So, how was your Christmas? Did Santa bring you anything good? Did you get what you asked for? Were the kids well behaved? Tell! Tell! LOL
OWIE broken toes are NOT fun! love the tree its cute! my ummm not sure what to call him anyway the 8 yr old boy who lives with my dad and step mom is redoing his room in starwars, (from the baseball theme) and he would love the tree! We stayed home as usual I cooked we all ate, opened presents and have been eatting left overs ad nauseum... I am ready to take the tree down (perhaps tomorrow) and get my house back to some semblance of normal... martha wants to go shopping at the flea market tomorrow but it is foggy and dreary and I prefer to sleep in nasty weather!
Hope the toe feels better!
hugs Laura
Broken toes suck! I hope yours feels better soon.
We had a nice holiday... my kids are generally considered too old to misbehave!
I got camera goodies, a new lens and a remote! I was able to get all my kids coats and/or jackets. Very practical this holiday season!
Oh, and I built TOG a new computer! His was getting pretty old.
Enjoy that broken toe, I broke one the other day. Second toe in, it hurts like a you know what.
I managed a shiatsu heated massager as a gift to each other, a Nora Roberts book, Stephen King book, new kitchen supplies, Uno Attack, hair dye, candles, candles, and more candles. Oh, and ice hockey tix for me and the hubby, so we will be headed there for our birthdays on New Year's Eve! So super excited. :D
Love the tree!!! And broken toes hurt, I gave myself one last christmas, there was a toy in my way and I kicked it.
I love the tree, I would like to do something like yours BUT what would I do with all my other pretty decorations hmm..Our Christmas was really nice, I got lots of clothes (hubby got wrong sizes but I squeezed into them) got a can opener, a quilt, a perm, and now I'm forgetting what else!
I have never had a broken toe and I hope yours gets better soon!
popping in to say merry christmas and happy new year! I toast in your general direction. I'm seeing a replica lighted deathstar for a tree topper. plenty of time to craft one before next year! I actually saw a star wars themed gingerbread house on-line somewhere and thought of you... I'm sure DH the chef could whip one up! best wishes for 2009
Broken toes hurt! I'm such a klutz that I have had a lot of experience with this. Sigh.
I gave John a boxed set of the original three Star Wars movies only to have discovered that I should have given him all six. Fathers Day is in the bag...
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