Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Awards, A Giveaway and Maintenance Issues

First, let me tell you that Anne over at My Mommy Reviews is having a giveaway for some child safety items from the My Precious Kid site. This is a great giveaway with very few entries so far. Head on over and check it out! You won't regret it.

Ang over at Just An Army Wife and Just a Mommy has a giveaway going on as well!

Both of these end November 9th.

There will be a little bit of site maintenance here over the next few days. I am trying to add some different lists and buttons on my sidebar and may end up screwing some things up. I am sooooo not tech savvy. Hopefully Jenna will be available to help me out so that I don't ruin the blog....

I received an award from two different people over the past few days. It's a great award!

Margaret from Pickles and Lollipops gave me the award first and then Feliciae from Living Just Like Grandma passed it over to me as well! Both of these ladies have beautiful blogs. Take the time to pop over and visit if you never have!

So here are the official rules

Accept the award and post it on your blog.Make sure to link back to the person who awarded you. Then pass it on to 15 other blogs you find worthy and make sure to let them know they have been awarded.

I am going to have to think about who to award this to.... have patience! I promise to award it soon! I want to try to give it to people who have not already gotten it....

AND, just a shout out to my lovely daughter, Jenna, who helped me design this blog. She made the header up top for me and we worked to getehr to choose the layout and background. Thanks for making my blog lovely, kiddo!


Ree said...

Love your blog design! :) Very pretty!

Theody said...

Congratulations!!! A well deserved Award. Your Blog is so beautiful and I'm enjoying your articles on Associated content too.

Unknown said...

Hi Tracy. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog

I love your blog. Are those your paintings, the ones on your header? And also, the pregnant lady? Really beautiful.

How do I get a Momblogger button? I used to have one but all my widgets got lost when I changed my template.

Anyways, if you want some free self-help and marketing eBooks, head on to our family site, and pls feel free as well to tell all your readers and followers. Thanks. God bless!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

Congratulations on your award! I would have given it to you had you not recieved it from the same blog as me, at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award!! And thanks for the comment on my post yesterday!