Monday, January 4, 2010

100 Followers Rock!

Wow! I have finally made it to more than 100 followers! I am totally shocked actually. You guys rock. The supportive and understanding comments have made my last few years of blogging just wonderful. Thank you to all of you for reading!

So, as a great big sloppy kiss of a thank you, I am planning to host a giveaway soon. But I am having a horrible time figuring out what to give away. So, what say you? What are your favorite things to see on giveaways? What would you love to get from me? (hehe) Let me know in the comments and then keep your eyes open for a giveaway in the near future!

Also, I am cleaning up the blog roll this week. If you want to be added to my blog roll, let me know. If you are following me and do not see your blog on my roll, let me know..... etc etc etc..... Also, feel free to grab my button (lol) from the sidebar. If you do, I would love to know!

Catchya later and thanks again for following!


Michelle said...

I had a friend give away a $25 iTune card. I thought that was awesome!

Congrats on the 100! I'm afraid to get that many! I'm such a faithful follower I wouldn't want to read that many blogs! LOL! Wait...not want... wouldn't have TIME! :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! That's on to 200!
I would love to be on your blogroll. You can grab my button at

Lesley said...

Seriously, I'm SO BEHIND ON WHAT'S WHAT!!!

I am NOW a follower :o) For some reason I assumed I was. Duh.

And buttons? What's a button? How do I get one? I NEED A BUTTON FOR MY BLOG!!!!


My first resolution for 2010 - figure out how to make the most of my blog.
My second resolution - join Twitter. Maybe. Do you enjoy the Tweets more than Posts?

Teach me oh wise one!

Mother Moon said...

congrats tracy.... way to go.....

Mother Moon said...

PS: would love to be on your blog roll.. have your button on my site already....

Rue said...

Congrats on your 100 followers! Snagging your button...

ONe PiNK FiSH said...

I have you in my reader on page flakes. Just want you to know I am following just not through google reader.

I have only been reading your blog about 3 weeks and I love it.

Congrats on 100 followers. My husband thinks I'm crazy cause I always get excited when even one more person because a follower.

I created a button using something online. it's not the best but if you want to snag you can.

Wendy Sparrow said...

Yay for 100 followers. I received a $20 Amazon gift card, and I thought that was really nifty.

Unknown said...

Yay, Congrats. I have 6 more to go!

The Soccer Moms' Guide to Wicca said...

A little late to reply, but I was offline for a week or two between giveaway burnout and fear of being read by neighbors:)

Congrats on the 100 readers, that's so cool!

If you're still asking advice on the giveaway, I'd take a look at the people on Etsy if you're not wanting to put together a basket yourself...there are some wonderful businesspeople there who are happy to get 'free press' in return for a giveaway item!

I'd love a chance to get my hands on those handmade glass runes that triplelle donated for our giveaway, myself!